Member-only story
Need to exhaust all the possibilities to find all the results.
In this case, we need to solve it with backtrack.
Need to define the recursive function:
scenario 1: extend current number by one digit without adding any operator
- do not allow numbers start with 0, e.g. 05
scenario 2: add an operator +
scenario 3: add an operator -
- must be added after one number
scenario 4: add an operator *
- must be added after one number
So we need the following parameters in the recursive function:
1. index - the current index of the num we are caculating on
2. prevNum - the previous number, used for * operator
3. currentNum - the current number
4. currentSum - the current sum up to now
5. currentResult - the current result upto the current index
class Solution:
def addOperators(self, num: str, target: int) -> List[str]:
res = []
def recursive(index, prevNum, currentNum, currentSum, currentPath):
if index == len(num):
if currentSum == target and currentNum == 0:
# extend the current number by one digit
currentNum = currentNum * 10 + int(num[index])
if currentNum > 0…